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October 28, 2021

Rep. Trone, Senators Cardin and Van Hollen Announce More Than $12,000 in American Rescue Plan Funding for the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts


October 28, 2021 

Contact: Sasha Galbreath, 

Rep. Trone, Senators Cardin and Van Hollen Announce More Than $12,000 in American Rescue Plan Funding for the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts 

Funding will bring Underrepresented Stories and Art to Students During COVID

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Congressman David Trone alongside Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen (all D-Md.) announced that the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts will receive $12,151 in American Rescue Plan funding for an augmented reality platform. This platform will bring underrepresented stories and art to students who can’t easily access the museum’s culturally-inclusive collection. 

“Our museums and libraries serve as essential cultural and learning hubs in our communities. Whether in person or online, they provide critical resources to Marylanders,” said the lawmakers. “Through the digitization of their collections and the creation of hybrid curriculums, this federal investment will expand Marylanders’ access to the many resources our libraries have to offer.” 

“This grant comes at a time when museums are working ever more creatively to serve their communities through the disruption of the pandemic,” Sarah Hall, Executive Director of the

Washington County Museum of Fine Arts. “We’re thrilled, honored, and extremely thankful to have received this funding, which will help us to launch an innovative educational program that combines the technology of augmented reality gaming with making discoveries about our collection, and the natural environment that surrounds us in beautiful City Park. We are excited to partner with Agents of Discovery for this project to realize our ambitious plans for STEAM-based learning that will provide museum adventures for all ages.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented challenges for Maryland families trying to access the full range of the museum’s exhibits. This new platform will allow users to learn more about art by navigating through fun “missions,” deep thinking scavenger hunts, and peer-collaborative virtual games.
