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Reproductive Rights Resources

Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June 2022, many states have banned or severely limited abortion access. Maryland has taken steps to safeguard abortion rights and access during this time, including in May 2023, when Governor Moore signed reproductive rights measures into law to establish the fundamental right to reproductive freedom and shield health care providers from liability if they help out-of-state patients receive an abortion. 

In Maryland, you have the legal right to receive the full spectrum of reproductive health care, including abortion care and contraception, free from harassment and discrimination. However, I’m still well aware that some Congressional lawmakers are fighting to establish a federal ban on abortion nationwide – preempting state law. As we face this unprecedented reproductive health care crisis, I’m here fighting with you and for you. 

So our team has worked with the Pro-Choice Caucus and Planned Parenthood-Maryland to put together this page as a resource for those seeking more information about reproductive care in Maryland.

As a proud Member of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus, I’m committed to moving legislation forward to amplify the voices of those in Maryland and around the country demanding reproductive freedom and bodily autonomy. And I wear my 100% voting record with Planned Parenthood and Reproductive Freedom For All (formerly NARAL) as a badge of honor.

I am a proud original cosponsor of the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would codify the protections of Roe v. Wade and enshrine the national right to abortion into law. I’m also a proud sponsor of the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance (EACH) Act, to eliminate the Hyde Amendment—a policy prohibiting all taxpayer funding for abortion care, blocking abortion care coverage for those who rely on federal government-sponsored or subsidized health insurance—to help ensure every American can access the full spectrum of health care, including abortion care, regardless of their income or the source of their insurance.

In Congress, we don’t need people who just accept the status quo of abortion rights; we need people who fight for them.

Know Your Rights & Access Care 

On a national, state, and local level, you have rights, and you have options in accessing comprehensive reproductive health care, including abortion care. Do you have questions about those rights and options? See the relevant resources below.

Federal: Biden Administration 

National Rights & Resources:

  • Department of Health and Human Services Reproductive Rights Resource Website HERE
  • Department of Justice Reproductive Rights Task Force Information HERE
  • Department of Education Title IX Fact Sheet HERE
  • Department of Defense
    • Military Health System
      • Reproductive Health Care Resources HERE
      • Reproductive Health Q&A HERE
    • Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
      • Updated Reproductive Care Policies HERE
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Reproductive Health Information HERE
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Pregnancy Discrimination Information HERE
  • Department of Homeland Security
    • Immigration and Customs Enforcement
      • Medical Care Standards HERE

Reproductive Health Care Coverage:

  • Department of Health and Human Services
    • Office of Secretary Xavier Becerra
      • HHS, Labor & Treasury Joint Guidance on Birth Control Coverage HERE
    • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
      • Revised Emergency Abortion Coverage Policies HERE
      • Medicare Abortion Coverage Policies HERE
  • Department of Defense
    • Defense Health Agency 
      • TRICARE Reproductive Health Coverage Policies HERE
  • Health Insurance Marketplace
    • Abortion Information HERE
    • Birth Control Information HERE

Family Planning Resources:

  • Department of Health and Human Services
    • Office of Population Affairs
      • Adolescent Health & Family Planning Resources HERE
      • Title X Program
        • 2021 Updated Rule HERE
        • Clinic Finder HERE
        • Resources for Grantees HERE

State: Maryland

State Agencies: 

  • Maryland Department of Health Family Planning Program Information HERE
  • Maryland Courts Youth Health Law Information HERE
  • Baltimore Abortion Fund Information HERE

Local: Allegany, Frederick, Garrett, Montgomery, and Washington Counties

Local Agencies:

  • Allegany County Health Department Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), HIV and PrEP Information HERE
  • Frederick County Government HIV / AIDS Services HERE
  • Garrett County Health Department 
    • Family Planning Program Information HERE
    • Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Clinic Information HERE
  • Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services Family Planning / Reproductive Health Information HERE
  • Washington County Health Department Family Planning Information HERE

Need More Help?

Team Trone is always here to help you and answer your questions.

For assistance with federal agencies, including government insurance programs, and for local Maryland resources, contact the office in Frederick at: (301)-926-0300

To leave a policy comment and for questions about federal legislation, contact the Washington, D.C. office at: (202) 225-2721