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October 11, 2023

Trone, Co-Chair of House Abraham Accords Caucus, Strongly Supports Resolution Standing with Israel


October 10, 2023

Contact: Sasha Galbreath, 

Trone, Co-Chair of House Abraham Accords Caucus, Strongly Supports Resolution Standing with Israel

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Congressman David Trone, co-chair of the House Abraham Accords Caucus, joined House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Ranking Member Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY), and 390 of their House colleagues to introduce a bipartisan resolution standing with Israel as it defends itself against the terrorist attacks launched by Hamas and other terrorist groups.

“These horrific attacks, including hostage taking and barbaric civilian murders, by Iran-backed Hamas and Islamic Jihad are abhorrent and cannot be tolerated,” said Rep. Trone. “I echo President Biden and Congressional leaders in pledging our unequivocal, bipartisan support to protect innocent civilians and destroy the terrorist infrastructure that allowed these attacks to take place.”

“With this in mind, I remain incredibly concerned that the US House of Representatives has been rendered ineffective without a Speaker, and I hope my Republican colleagues can come together so we can support one of our closest allies, Israel, in the upcoming months,” Rep. Trone continued.

“President Biden has committed the United States fully to Israel’s self defense,” said Ranking Member Meeks. “Israel is responding to the Hamas terror organization’s unprecedented attack. The bipartisan resolution will demonstrate this is one issue in which the US House of Representatives is united, and I expect it to pass the House with broad bipartisan support.”

“Now is the time to show the world the United States firmly stands with our friend and ally Israel in our condemnation of this heinous attack by Iran-backed terrorists,” said Chairman McCaul. “I expect this bipartisan resolution to be one of the first, if not the first items considered on the floor once we elect a new Speaker. And I expect it to receive overwhelming bipartisan support.” 

The full text of the resolution can be found here.

Congressman David Trone was elected to the House of Representatives in November 2018 to serve the 6th District of Maryland, which includes all or part of Montgomery, Frederick, Washington, Allegany, and Garrett Counties. Trone serves on the Appropriations, Budget, and Joint Economic Committees in the 118th Congress. In Congress, Trone is fighting to make progress on issues that matter to Marylanders.

Follow Congressman Trone at @RepDavidTrone for updates on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
