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February 06, 2024

Rep. David Trone Releases Statement on H.R. 7217


February 6, 2024

Rep. David Trone Releases Statement on H.R. 7217

Congressman David Trone (D-MD) released the following statement on H.R. 7217: 

“On October 7, the world witnessed one of the most horrific terrorist attacks in modern history, marking the deadliest single day for Jewish people since the Holocaust. I have always strongly supported our democratic ally Israel and continue to support its right to defend itself against the terrorist organization Hamas to ensure this never happens again.

“But the standalone legislation led by Speaker Mike Johnson is a ploy that only seeks to gain political points and, even more disturbing, drive a wedge between the United States and its strongest allies. This bill heartlessly neglects to deliver humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people suffering under Hamas’ rule, does nothing to ensure Hamas is never put in power again, and abandons our ally Ukraine in its darkest hour. Put simply: this legislation flies in the face of the very values our nation was built upon.

“Since October, Democrats in the House and Senate have steadfastly advocated for a bipartisan deal to support our allies in Israel and Ukraine. This legislation falls far short of not only protecting democracies around the world but also strengthening ours here at home. 

For these reasons, I will join President Biden and Democratic Leaders in voting against this bill and look forward to considering serious legislation in the future that puts the people of Israel, Gaza, and Ukraine first, instead of this shameless political theater.