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July 01, 2020

Congressman David Trone discusses the passage of $1.5 Trillion infrastructure bill

Credit: WDVM, Katie Misuraca

WASHINGTON (WDVM) — Maryland Democratic Congressman, David Trone (D), took on his own party in Washington about the Moving Forward Act.

The House passed the act on Wednesday which invests $1.5 trillion plan to rebuild American infrastructure. Trone said the Appalachian Development Highway system is a central part of Western Maryland’s infrastructure.

The act also includes one of Trone’s amendments which included helping fight the addiction crisis across the country and included $100 billion investment in broadband funding.

“This is something I went along with Republicans, Democrats…Bi-partisan from day one,” said Rep. Trone. “We got to get broadband telework Tele-education and telehealth and we get through this Senate…It will pass the House today. It is a win for America.

The legislation follows over a year of action from Trone that has resulted in millions of federal dollars invested in Western Maryland broadband and infrastructure.