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July 08, 2021

New COVID relief funding announced for Washington County and City of Hagerstown

Credit: MDVM, Katie Rhee

HAGERSTOWN, Md. (WDVM) — Broadband expansion, renters and emergency housing assistance and resources for emergency services were just a few topics discussed by Congressman David Trone and local leaders on Wednesday afternoon.

Congressman Trone met with Hagerstown Mayor Emily Keller and Washington County Board of Commissioners President Jeff Kline to brainstorm avenues for new funding from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds.

The City of Hagerstown will be receiving 20.4 million dollars and Washington County will be receiving 29.4 million dollars which can be used to support COVID response efforts, replace lost revenue from public services within local government, and address systemic public health challenges highlighted by the pandemic. The funding designated to the county will be dispersed to the remaining cities and towns while the funding for the City of Hagerstown will stay within the city limits.

The meeting was closed to the public but Congressman Trone says the meeting was about determining priorities and that he is a resource to both the city and the county. Trone also highlighted the importance of the collaboration between the local leaders, like Mayor Keller and Washington County Board of Commissioners President Kline.

“In many cases, they [Keller and Kline] work together on things like emergency medical systems, things like behavioral health, things like fire stations,” Congressman Trone explained. “I mean all these things are intertwined, county, city, it’s one, you know, one area. And so getting that total cooperation, which we have here today, was a big win.”

Congressman Trone also told WDVM that any decisions regarding the allocation of the new funding will be left up to city and county officials.