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March 09, 2023

Trone applauds President Biden’s Budget

Credit: WCBC Radio

“House Appropriations Committee Member Rep. David Trone (D-MD) released the following statement on President Biden’s budget:

“In the last two years, Congress passed funding bills that represented our vision to put People Over Politics and build a brighter future for Americans. I’m confident that President Biden’s budget furthers that vision as it becomes a reality in the months and years to come. And, unequivocally, these investments will have a tremendous return on investment for Americans and our economy.

“That vision includes creating tens of millions of jobs – good-paying, reliable jobs – that Americans can count on for generations to come.

“That vision includes protecting Social Security and Medicare because we know that folks deserve what they have paid into paycheck after paycheck.

“That vision includes making sure the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share in taxes to correct the disastrous Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that added over $2 trillion to our nation’s debt.

“That vision includes funding for education and workforce training to bolster our local economies and ensure that every American – no matter where they came from or who they are – has a fair opportunity to succeed in this country.

“That vision includes fighting for those in the shadows of life suffering from mental health and substance use disorders, achieving a criminal justice system that is actually just, and investing in medical research to cure diseases that have cut too many lives too short – issues that I have prioritized in Congress.

“That vision takes care of Americans today while looking out for our children and grandchildren tomorrow. In Congress, I will continue fighting for that vision – you can count on it.”