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January 16, 2024

Bureau of Prisons would issue IDs to released inmates under new bill

Credit: NextGov

A group of lawmakers behind a new, bipartisan proposal in the House of Representatives want to make sure that those leaving federal prisons take a valid government ID with them. 

“The BOP ID Act is a commonsense solution to a problem that’s preventing returning citizens from successfully reentering society. If we truly want to lower our nation’s recidivism rate, we need to start giving folks the proper tools needed to find a job, housing, and health care,” said Rep. David Trone, D-Md. — who sponsored the bill — in a statement. Trone also is a co-founder and co-chair of the Second Chance Task Force, focusing on reducing recidivism rates.

“Having spoken to BOP Director Colette Peters about this very issue, I know that by solving the government ID barrier to reentry, we will open doors for thousands of individuals to start over and rebuild their lives,” said Trone. 

Read full article here.