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June 08, 2021

Maryland Congressional Delegation Urges Governor Hogan to Reconsider Surprise Decision to Cut Off Federal Unemployment Assistance Early


June 2, 2021


Sue Walitsky/Tim Zink (Cardin) 202-224-4524

Maryland Congressional Delegation Urges Governor Hogan to Reconsider Surprise Decision to Cut Off Federal Unemployment Assistance Early

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen and Congressmen David Trone, Steny H. Hoyer, Dutch Ruppersberger, John Sarbanes, Kweisi Mfume, Anthony Brown, and Jamie Raskin (all D-Md.) issued the following response to Governor Larry Hogan’s sudden announcement Tuesday that Maryland will stop issuing federally funded Enhanced Pandemic Unemployment Benefits earlier than required.

“Unemployment benefits are helping more than 300,000 Marylanders make ends meet as our unemployment rate remains above its pre-pandemic level. Governor Hogan’s abrupt decision to cut off federal assistance on July 3 will strip critical aid from a majority of recipients a full two months earlier than necessary, making it harder for thousands of Marylanders to put food on the table and keep roofs over their heads as we continue to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re already hearing from constituents whose family finances will be thrown into crisis by this action. Rather than taking a measured, phased-in approach, similar to what President Biden supported earlier this month, the governor unnecessarily bowed to partisan pressure and ignored the needs of struggling workers and families. We urge the governor to reconsider this decision, which will cost our state money in the long run – and wastes federal resources we fought hard to secure. Marylanders are anxious to get back to work, but this pandemic is not over and many unemployed Marylanders are still suffering.”
