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October 08, 2023

Congressman David Trone Issues Further Statement on Hamas’ Terror Attacks on Israel


October 7, 2023 

Contact: Sasha Galbreath, 

Congressman David Trone Issues Further Statement on Hamas’ Terror Attacks on Israel

Congressman David Trone (D-MD) released a statement following President Biden’s press conference earlier this afternoon on the ongoing terror attacks in Israel: 

“Amid unprovoked terrorist attacks, Israel’s hand has been forced once again to defend its homeland and its people.

“The horrific attacks, including hostage taking and civilian murders, by the 70% Iran-funded Hamas and 100% Iran-funded Islamic Jihad are abhorrent and cannot be tolerated. I echo President Biden’s remarks earlier today in pledging our unequivocal, bipartisan support to protect innocent civilians and destroy the terrorist infrastructure that allowed these attacks to take place.

“In the coming days and weeks, we must continue to protect Israel’s right to exist. The American public should prepare itself to support Israel as it defends its citizens from further attacks. As someone who had the opportunity to visit the Gaza Strip in 1999, I do not take the discussion of such action lightly. Unfortunately, the Israeli military will likely be forced to enter and take control of Gaza for the foreseeable future to eliminate terrorists, destroy rocket-building infrastructure, and retrieve hostages. Hamas will be responsible for thousands of innocent Palestinian lives that will perish from the savage killings that Hamas initiated today.

“I am incredibly concerned that the US House has been rendered ineffective without a Speaker, and I hope my Republican colleagues can come together so we can support our closest ally, Israel, in the upcoming months.”

Congressman David Trone was elected to the House of Representatives in November 2018 to serve the 6th District of Maryland, which includes all or part of Montgomery, Frederick, Washington, Allegany, and Garrett Counties. Trone serves on the Appropriations, Budget, and Joint Economic Committees in the 118th Congress. In Congress, Trone is fighting to make progress on issues that matter to Marylanders.

Follow Congressman Trone at @RepDavidTrone for updates on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.