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January 30, 2024

Democrats drive new calls for term limits for members of Congress

Credit: The National Desk

The idea of congressional term limits has been a contentious one among lawmakers in Washington over the years.

Rep. David Trone, D-Md., a co-sponsor of Khanna’s plan, says Congress needs “fresh blood, fresh people, fresh ideas”.

We can’t have someone there for 30, 40 years; in the same seat.” he explained. “‘Eighty-five years old and I’m running for re-election’. Is that crazy? That’s crazy.

Trone, who says he’s focusing his efforts on reforming how Washington operates, is currently running for the Senate in Maryland that Sen. Ben Cardin, 80, will leave behind when he retires at the end of the year.

However, in addition to congressional term limits, both Trone and Khanna are calling for 18-year limits and regular appointments of Supreme Court justices.

“There’s an appetite for the Supreme Court to change,” Trone said. “What we’re trying to do is get the dialogue started.”

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